Plant Energy: Modern Style Meets Natural Elements


At Salt Salon Spa & Cafe, we do not hide the fact of how much we love plants and greenery. Especially if you've seen the beautiful living green and white wall art directly behind the cafe counter, you've been welcomed by our natural elements. They provide such a sense of peace and wellness to a bright community space. Luckily, we have a great front-of-house team that keeps them feeling love and care day today. Since summer is such a magical time to let the light come inside, we have added a curated selection to our shop of cacti, succulents, and monsterras, as well as adorable glass wall hangs that hold sprouting leaves one by one.


Something that not everyone knows about Salt... our plants are available to purchase! With the sweet spa, salon, and cafe vibrations available online as well as in shop for your home upgrade where modern style meets nature. We've also connected with our Operations Manager for a few easy suggestions to care for foliage in the home to keep plants happy and full of life.


Alicia Fenner joined our team in 2019 and has been taking care of our greenery every step of the way, here is a quick chat we had on the topic:

SALT: What is your approach to caring for the Salt plant family?

AF: My best approach for caring for our plants is to keep a routine that works with my work schedule. I water the plants once a week, touch the soil making sure they are not overwatered. I also like to move the plants around on the wall behind the cafe counter if I notice they need more or less sunshine! During this time I'll also remove any dead leaves to keep all the plants looking their best!

SALT: How did you learn these skills?

AF: Google has been and still is my biggest help! I also have the PlantIn app that helps me to identify plants and keeps me on a good watering schedule. We have so many team members who care for plants at home and help me when I'm stumped on what to do!

SALT: What is your favorite plant? (yeah we know that’s a hard question!)

AF: My favorite plant would probably be a Snake Plant! They look super cool and I feel are the easiest plants to take care of since they don't need to be watered as often.

SALT: What is a Golden Rule for Plant Care that our community should know about?

AF: Listen to your plants! You can learn so much from them just by their soil, the color of their leaves, or how they look. Once you learn what they do and don't like it makes it a lot easier to fix any issues they may be having.

SALT: What plants do we currently have in the shop?

AF: We have such a wide variety of plants all over the salon, but the ones you'd see the most of would be Fiddle Figs, Snake Plants, and the Monstera Plants that we are selling from Mother Co.!

Our Green Goods

Mother Co., Plants: A local plant shop originally in Northeast and now resides on the North side of Mpls offers a mesmerizing array of greenery and home goods. As well, they offer special classes in education. Stop in to see us at Salt Salon Spa & Cafe and pick one up from our current selection we hand-picked just for you. Plant prices vary, ask our front of house for details.

Stop into SALT Salon Spa Cafe to pick up your greenery and check out our selection next week and you'll also be able to peek at the new Cafe, more coming later this week on the blog and social on the launch! To say we're excited is a major understatement. Tag us in all your Instagram photos so we can peep and share your style with the community. See you soon!